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Kazakhstan and China, cultural relations, publishing and TV production, mutual exchanges, integration.

How to Cite

Айткалиева, А., & Мухаметханулы, Н. . (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF RELATIONS OF COOPERATION IN THE INFORMATION SPHERE BETWEEN KAZAKHSTAN AND CHINA. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 69(1). https://doi.org/10.52536/KjD/vol_69_issue_1_A1


The article deals with the development of relations between Kazakhstan and China on cooperation in the field of culture. Since the two states established ideological relations, many good deeds have been done in the field of culture. From the exchange of publications to the mutual translation of political books of the country's leaders, to the translation or joint shooting of historical works, collections of historical sources, literary works, television and films. A large range of information exchanges carried out on the basis of such cooperation and interaction. The links between China and Kazakhstan in the field of social communication industry are also developing significantly through the analysis of specific works and works of art presented in the field of television. The development of cultural cooperation within the framework of the development of diplomatic relations between the two countries is confirmed by concrete data. Noting that the process of cultural cooperation and interaction between Kazakhstan and China has deepened mutual understanding between the two countries, the dynamics of the development of interethnic cooperation in the field of culture of the two countries is generally demonstrated. He also makes a conclusion about the development of cooperation between the two countries in the field of culture.


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