A myth in politics can be defined as an altered form of political consciousness, in which knowledge and understanding of factual information is replaced by images, symbols. In this paper, we proceed from the understanding that, unlike the political myth, a classical myth is a universal narrative (narrative), a traditional legend that figuratively interprets historical events and serves to explain natural phenomena and meanings, the origin of customs, traditions, beliefs - human civilizations and the whole world as a whole, through allegorical emotional and sensual images. Usually the origin of a traditional myth is unknown, while a myth that has a political nature is often professionally launched and has a specific circle of people for whose benefit it is created. In the political struggle, myths can be used as purposefully created and disseminated stories (narratives), sacralizing the existing system of power and denigrating its opponents in the public mind. The article discusses the role of political myth in world history and politics. Also presented is a model for the analysis of myths in politics, which includes the definition of the essence, structure, features, processes and functions of myths in politics. A comparative analysis of traditional and political myths has been carried out.