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репрессия, цензура, алаштану, идея, идеология, ұлтшылдық, колонизация.

How to Cite

Aubakirova К., Yerdembekov Б., & Saidirakhman Ұ. . (2024). THE IDEA OF ALASH AND CENSORSHIP. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 2(82). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2024-2.05


The article examines the censorship policy of the Soviet government, which strictly prohibited the propaganda of the idea of Alash. Chronicle data and the creative heritage of Alash figures, as well as archival materials of the Semipalatinsk Museum of Local Lore and the archive fund of East Kazakhstan Region (now Abai region) were used as the object of research. Historical data and narrative data were analyzed on the basis of mutual historical-comparative and comparative approaches to research, evidence of hypothetical conclusions was revealed by the method of biographical parallel and content analysis (quantitative, qualitative). As a result of the study, it was determined that the main cause of various movements and uprisings, considered colonial policy and the struggle for independence, is the struggle for the idea, and the definition of the idea of Alash is given. In addition, methods of underground, secret or disguised ideological work against the censorship mechanism, which tightly controlled the propaganda work of the idea of Alash, were revealed.

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