This study explores various elements of the worldwide, regional, and national formation of youth parliamentarism. The operational experience of the Junior Chamber International, the European Youth Parliament, The Youth Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the Commonwealth of Independent States (hereinafter: YIPA CIS) has been analyzed. The most compelling definitions of young parliamentarism have been disclosed, and they are represented in this study. The development of parliamentarism at the national level has been observed on the case of Kazakhstan. In this regard, the case of creating youth maslikhats, consultative and advisory boards under the Senate of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan is observed. In the Republic of Kazakhstan, the establishment of youth parliamentarism is related with the representation of young people in the Parliament and maslikhats, as well as a growth in their political engagement. The article is written on the basis of electronic documents, publications, and resources using a variety of ways.