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religiosity of the population, religious process, secularism, policy towards religion, expert assessments.

How to Cite

Бурова, Е., Сагикызы, А., & Назарбетова, Ә. (2023). Expert Assessments of the Religious Process in Modern Kazakhstan. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 79(3). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2023-3.02


In modern Kazakh society, the role and significance of religion as a social institution has been rethinking for three decades. The article presents expert perceptions and assessments of the modern religious process in Kazakhstan, which are reconstructed and interpreted in the context of sociological monitoring data conducted by the authors. The features of expert perception and understanding of the religious process are revealed. A SWOT analysis was carried out, recommendations for the implementation of state policy in the field of religion were conceptualized, taking into account the secular type of state and religious diversity.

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