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How to Cite

Byuzheeva Б. ., Ермекбаев, А., & Turkeyeva С. (2024). OPPORTUNITIES AND RESULTS OF INTEGRATION OF KAZAKHSTAN'S TRANSPORT SYSTEM WITH INTERNATIONAL TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 2(82). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2024-2.06


The article examines the transport and transit industry of Kazakhstan, strategic planning for improving the logistics infrastructure, creating a network of multimodal transport and logistics centers integrated into regional transport and logistics systems, ensuring close integration of the Kazakh transport system as an equal partner with international transport systems. The main components of the logistics infrastructure of multimodal transport and logistics centers, international transport corridors that ensure coordinated interaction of modes of transport and other participants in the transport and logistics process in Kazakhstan are considered as strategic points for the development of the economy of Kazakhstan.

Modern international transport corridors are becoming the main core of the effective development of interstate economic relations in the era of globalization of the world economy. This industry is considered as an important factor of socio-economic prosperity and the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is heading towards an innovative path of development. Because international transport corridors are one of the most important industries that contributes to the prosperity of the global economy, facilitating trade and exchange of goods between countries of the world.

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