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mediation methods, principles of mediation, conflict resolution, mediator, institute of byi.

How to Cite

Mustafina Т., Mussatayeva Ф., Shakirov С., & Аmangeldiyev А. (2024). THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF MEDIATION. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 83(3). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2024-3.02


Annotation. Nowadays, various kinds of conflicts from a theoretical and practical point of view are recognized as an integral part of the development of society. But the untimely settlement of conflicts can lead to their escalation with large-scale negative consequences. At different times, technologies for peaceful conflict resolution were formed in different societies. In modern scientific and expert literature, peaceful conflict resolution is understood as conflict resolution management.

In the traditional Kazakh society, this activity was carried out through the Institute of biys. But in the last two centuries or so, the activities of this institute have been reduced to zero.

The consequences of two world wars, then the cold war of the twentieth century, and various local wars of the 21st century are increasingly forcing the world community to pay attention to the potential of mediation in conflict situations. There is enough accumulated knowledge on the theoretical and practical potential of mediation in the modern scientific and expert literature.

In this article, the authors conduct a comparative study of the works of foreign and domestic researchers related to mediation issues in official documents of international organizations contributing to the development of peace ideas. They are analyzed through correlations between the theory and practice of conflict resolution in traditional Kazakh society.

In the scientific and expert literature on mediation, special attention is paid to the basic four principles of this activity. In the proposed article, the authors analyze these principles in detail. In the context of modern social tensions, including those reflected in the Kazakh realities, the issue of mediation development is being actualized, taking into account the traditional potential in consensus in accordance with generally accepted international standards.

Keywords: mediation methods, principles of mediation, conflict resolution, mediator, institute of byi.

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