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демография, Қазақстан, туу, өлім, көші-қон, ұлттың қартаюы

How to Cite

Tukumov Е. (2024). GLOBAL DEMOGRAPHIC CHALLENGES: EXPERIENCE FOR KAZAKHSTAN. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 83(3). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2024-3.05


The demographic situation both in the world and in Kazakhstan is a significant problem that requires in-depth and comprehensive study. This study aims to examine changes in population size, fertility and mortality rates, as well as migration processes in various countries, including Japan, with an emphasis on their impact on global demographic trends. The main objective of the study is to identify the key trends and factors shaping demographic processes, and to assess the possibility of applying their experience in the conditions of Kazakhstan. To achieve this goal, various methods of processing statistical information are used, such as statistical analysis, the study of sources and literature, as well as the analysis of migration changes. The results of the study will help in the development of strategic documents that contribute to the effective solution of demographic problems, which is an important aspect for ensuring sustainable socio-economic growth.

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