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How to Cite

Нурмухаметова, К., Алимбекова, . Г. ., & Бақытжанова , А. . (2021). SOCIAL AND HISTORICAL ANALYSIS OF PEACEKEEPING ACTIVITIES OF THE ARMED FORGES THE REPUBLIK OF KAZAKHSTAN. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 70(2), 19–35. https://doi.org/10.52536/KjD/vol_70_issue_2_A2


This article describes a historical review of the services provided by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan to keep peace in the world

Patriotism and heroism is perfectly conveyed on the basis of the peacekeeping activities of the heroically lost and missing peacekeepers.

Attention is drawn and compared to the UN  regulations and the peacekeeping normative laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with special attention to the parts devoted to the military doctrine of peacekeeping .

Research was conducted on the basis of sociological methodologies (survey, in-depth interviews) among the military of the Republic of Kazakhstan who conducted peacekeeping service on the territory of Tajikistan and Iraq.

The concept of "Peacekeeping", the importance and role  of peacekeeping activities was revealed.

The authors of the article considered further issues in the development of the peacekeeping service and proposed several solutions.

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