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religious identity
societal risks
human capital

How to Cite

Nazarbetova А., & Burova Е. (2021). THE PROCESS OF RELIGIOLIZATION IN MODERN KAZAKHSTAN: SPECIFICS AND TRENDS. ҚОҒАМ ЖӘНЕ ДӘУІР, 71(3). https://doi.org/10.52536/2788-5860.2021-3.04


Annotation. Kazakhstan as the middle country of Eurasia experiences deterministic influences on the course of a number of societal processes including religious ones. Sovereign development turned out to be synchronized with deideologization which replaced it with re-deideologization, the transformation of ideological identity.

The dilemma of secularity / religiosity is manifested ambivalently, the number of explicit and non-obvious supporters of the transition to religious statehood is increasing. Religiosity appears to be procedural rather than spontaneously functioning. The risks associated with the loss of intellectual potential, distancing from the traditions of ethno-confessional identity, the growing influence of quasi-religious archaization, decrease in national competitiveness are increasing.

Religiolization of Kazakhstani society is a new trend, manifests itself as a tendency for the interaction of non-religious and religious content of life, has an impact on the development of society, the state and dynamics of changes in human capital.

Systematic interdisciplinary studies of the process reveal its philosophical, sociological, political, religious, psychological and legal dimensions. Accordingly, the processes of religiolization can be effectively studied through monitoring, analysis, reconstruction, conceptualization, modeling, predictive assessments and the development of scientific and practical recommendations for actors of state and political administration.

The article examines the concepts of the process of religiolization of the Kazakhstani society with a focus on the political dimension.

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