Qogam jane Dauir

The scientific and analytical journal "Kogam zhane Dauir" is devoted to topical issues of internal political development, foreign and economic policy of Kazakhstan, as well as history and culture.
The journal is published once every three months.

Рolitics and Societу

Gulkhan Nuradin, Ranova Gulnara
«Soft Power» in a Multipolar World - Philosophical Reflections on Cultural Diplomacy
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Елена Бурова, Ayazhan Sagikyzy, Әсел Назарбетова
Expert Assessments of the Religious Process in Modern Kazakhstan
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Zhanar Nakipbayeva, Aigul Sadvokassova
Interculturalism in Kazakhstan: a Response to Thinking about Diversity
Baurzhan Bokayev, Zhazira Iskindirova, Aliya Aithozhina, Zhadra Zhanzhigitova
Communication Barriers in the Interaction Between Civil Servants and the Public: Case Analyses
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Rustem Bektrumov, Bagysh Gabdulina, Talgat Kaliyev
The Relevance of the Role of Mediation in the Resolution of Political Conflicts in Kazakhstan
bakdaulet, Timur Dadabaev
Reforming the Civil Service System of Japan
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Айдархан Дауылбаев
Kazakhstan and the Northern Sea Route: Problems and Prospects
pdf (Қазақша)
Karlygash Nugumanova, Elmira Kagazbaeva, Shynar Seitnur
Digital Media as a Factor of Information Security in Kazakhstan
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Assemay Silam, Tengesh Kalenova, Gaukhar Abdrakhmanova, Kargash Zhanpeiissova
Election Results of Rural Akims in Kazakhstan: Political Analysis
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Гульсара Каппасова, Gani Yelmuratov, Meiramgul Altybassarova, Madina Rakhimbaeva
Theoretical Aspect of Studying the Phenomenon of «Soft Power» as a Political Strategy
pdf (Қазақша)